Beginner and Intermediate Level Biblical and Prayer Book Hebrew at One Low Price!!

Hi, I’m Dr. Tamar Kamionkowski

With over 5,000 satisfied students, I'm thrilled to offer my best selling courses in a bundle for one low price.

Tamar is the author of Leviticus: A Wisdom Commentary, Gender Reversal and Cosmic Chaos, and editor of Bodies and Embodiment in the Hebrew Bible.

She has taught Classical Hebrew for over 30 years in both adult education and rabbinical school settings.

Tamar is Professor of Biblical Studies at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your bundle, reach out to me to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

What if I have a question for the instructor?

Tamar receives all questions and comments posted within the curriculum comments sections. You can expect to hear back from Tamar within a week.