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Classical Hebrew Level Two
What You'll Know By the End of this Course
What You Will Know and What You'll be Able to Do (2:35)
Cumulative Vocabulary List For Download
Reviewing the Basics
Tell Me About Yourself
Why is This Unit Different from All Other Units?
Reviewing the Dagesh (12:37)
Reviewing the Vowels (30:04)
Vocabulary Basics
Tell Your Classmates About Yourself
UNIT 1: Introducing the Past Tense (Not Really - There is No Real Tense in the Bible!)
You Say the Future and I Say Imperfect... (4:11)
What Does the Perfect Look Like? (18:20)
Mini Quiz
How Does the Perfect Function? (12:11)
Vocabulary List
Exercises Answer Key
Looking at a Text
Paradigm Chart and Exercises Walk-Through (13:38)
UNIT 2: To Be or Not to Be: Introducing "to be", III-Hey verbs, and demonstrative pronouns
Our First Variation on the Verb- III-Hey (15:08)
To Be or Not To Be (9:02)
This and These: Demonstrative Pronouns (4:40)
Vocabulary List
Exercises Walk-Through (10:40)
Text Study (11:34)
Paradigm Charts
UNIT 3: "King of the Universe," also known as semichut!
Noticing Semichut in the Texts (6:25)
Introduction to Semichut or Construct Forms (15:45)
Constructs Continued (8:48)
Construct Forms Paradigm Chart
Mini Quiz
Object Pronouns (4:01)
Vocabulary List
Exercises Walk-Through (8:24)
Text Study (11:35)
UNIT 4: Hollow Verbs (yes, that's really a thing!) and "Mine, mine mine!"
What are Hollow Verbs? Are They Shallow? Unfulfilled? (2:23)
Presenting the Hollow Verbs Paradigm (9:29)
Possessives: What Belongs to Whom? (11:51)
Mini Quiz
Vocabulary List
Exercises Walk-Through (11:09)
Text Study: Watching for Possessive Suffixes (6:15)
UNIT 5: Introducing the Future Tense (Again, Its Not Really Future!)
Let's Remember Aspect (2:15)
What Does the Imperfect Look Like? (14:27)
Mini Quiz
How Does the Imperfect Function? (12:07)
Vocabulary List
Exercises Walk Through (9:55)
A Peek at the Next Lesson (4:35)
Text Study: A Whole New World!
Unit 6: First Ventures into the Elusive Vav and more Imperfects
Step One of the Vav Consecutive (6:14)
Imperfect with III-Aleph and III-Hey (10:20)
Mini Quiz
Exercises Walk-Through (6:27)
Text Study: Prayerbook Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew
And on the Seventh, We Rest!!
Time to Reflect
Vocabulary Review 40 Words
Verb Form Review: Perfect and Imperfect
UNIT 8: Verbs That Begin with the Shy Nun in Imperfect
Introducing I-Nun Verbs (Don't Look at a Nun Too Hard - It May Disappear....) (1:21)
Presenting the Paradigm for Shy Nun (7:27)
Exercises Walk Through (10:42)
Text Study: Havdalah
Text Study Walk Through (4:42)
UNIT 9: Presenting the Basic Paradigm for the Disappearing Yod Imperfect
Introducing I-Yod Verbs (Where, O Where Did My Yod Go?) (1:15)
Presenting the Disappearing Yod Imperfect Paradigm (6:45)
Exercises Walk Through (9:57)
Text Study: Sim Shalom and Genesis Excerpts
Text Study Sim Shalom Walk Through (8:28)
UNIT 10: The Infinitive Construct - Unique to Biblical Hebrew!
Introducing the Basics of the Infinitive Construct (14:00)
Exercises Walk Through (7:17)
Text Study: Sh'ma and Psalm 27
Text Study Walk Through (17:48)
UNIT 11: The Infinitive Absolute: Absolutely Easier than the Construct!
Introducing the Infinitive Absolute (7:38)
Exercises Walk Through (4:36)
Text Study: Ruth and Genesis 22
Text Study Walk Through (11:42)
UNIT 12: Final Review and Next Steps
Summative Exercises
Exercises Walk Through (6:57)
How To Use a Lexicon to Look Up Words (7:24)
Constructs Continued
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